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ACT-SO LA Branch Medals at National Convention

ACT-SO (Afro Academic Cultural Technological and Scientific Olympics) students of the Los Angeles Branch NAACP received medals at the National ACT-SO Convention in Philadelphia!

Rebecca Sine received the bronze in Medicine and Health and Crislin Williams-Womack received the bronze in Dance. Each winner received $1,200 and an IPad.

Other students who participated at the national level were Nile Ruth Pierre of Palisades Charter in the category of engineering, Miguel Otano of Buckley in computer science, Kevin Jennings of Hamilton High in musical instrumental contemporary, Ariel Alston of Santee High in the category of painting and Byrone Collins of Ramon Cortines High in dramatics.

ACT-SO is a youth program of the NAACP that is “designed to recruit, stimulate, improve and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African American high school students.”

Students are recruited from public and private schools in the local Los Angeles area. There are 29 categories in which interested students may compete. All participants must compete at the local level, then local gold medalists are afforded the opportunity to compete nationally.

Chaperones and coaches that traveled with the students were Gloria Brown, Mary Louise Batise, Jan Berry, Paula Brown. Brandon Johnson, Lacie Pierre, Kevin Jennings, Sr., & Fae Pierre, ACT-SO Chair.

In celebration of the 38th Anniversary of the ACT-SO, the completion will be held in Cincinnati Ohio next year.

Further information is available at the Los Angeles Branch NAACP Office.


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