Donate Today

With the help of loyal supporters like you, 2014 was an amazing year for the NAACP. But we need your help to continue the fight in 2015 to make America a better place for citizens of all ethnicities.

When you click on the ‘Donate’ link below, you will be redirected to the PayPal website for secure processing of your credit card donation. You do not need to have a PayPal account to use their payment service. PayPal encrypts your sensitive financial information so that the only person who can see it is you; it is not shared with the Los Angeles NAACP. Close the PayPal browser window when you are finished and you will be returned to this page.



Please contact our team at 310-397-1171 to donate today!



NAACP membership makes a positive difference in the lives of Americans, and provides an opportunity to become an important part of a network of hundreds of thousands of member advocates.


With the help of loyal supporters like you, 2014 was an amazing year for the NAACP. But we need your help to continue the fight in 2015 to make America a better place for citizens of all ethnicities.


Your NAACP membership is more than a contribution. You are joining the team that has been on the forefront of civil and human rights battles for more than one hundred years.